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RF online.

The game tells the story of the opposition and opposition between the three major races (Acretia, Berto, and Carat) played by the player, as well as the story of the struggle against the mysterious virus.

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Imitation official nostalgic clothes, no GM management, free development for everyone, open level: 50, the highest level can be opened to 65 in the later period 。

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Background setting.

Among the new humans, the most prominent in scientific and technological capabilities are the Akretians. The Akretians are the heirs of humans dispatched for the development of the Knowles Center and experiments with biological weapons. Compared with the Bertos who were dispatched to provide labor or the Karas who forcibly migrated as experimental subjects for the development of biological weapons, they retain superior scientific and technological capabilities.

The play takes place in an era when resources are scarce, and the three races fight for resources.

Escalating war.

For the purpose of prolonging life and effectively using limited resources, Acretia has legalized the transplantation of mechanical bodies, and made the surrounding planets and satellites become their colonies through excellent science and technology. The voter consciousness of Acretia, which is said to have inherited human legitimacy, has been exchanged for frequent frictions in diplomatic relations with the Bertos and Kras, who are also heirs of human beings.

In the game, players will act as one of the three major races in the RF world, in order to fight for absolute value magic stone resources, join this escalating war of armed conflict.

role of setting .

To enter the game, players must choose a profession among the three races to create a character, and the professions of each race have their own characteristics. After the role is created, it cannot be changed. .

We are caught in an armed struggle

Ver.2.3.2(download the lander )

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Since the resources of this game originate from the Internet, it is difficult to verify the ownership of the copyright. If you think that relevant content or resources infringe your rights, please contact us.

"Prior to this, in accordance with the "Tort Liability Law", the "Regulations on the Protection of the Right of Information Network Communication" and the "Provisions of the Supreme People's Court on Several Issues Concerning the Applicable Law for the Trial of Civil Disputes concerning the Infringement of the Right of Information Network Communication" and other provisions, please prepare the materials: ."

Description of the complaint and proof of ownership 。
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"Then organize the above information into a Word document and send it to us at, with the title as [Infringement Complaint]. We will deal with it within 3 working days, if it is indeed our infringement of your rights ."

We will immediately & Stop infringing
I apologize for and to you.

"We will feedback the final processing result to you in the form of email! Thank you for your cooperation!."

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[Bug fix]

-The system guard tower has this list, but it does not seem to be generated. [FIXED]-The system guard tower will not snipe players, but will not snipe monsters.[Official error] [Fixed]-Monsters are constantly lacking attacks, but spell attacks can be connected[repair] .

[Bug fix]

-After registering an item in UTS, the client crashes [Official Error] [Fixed]-Items can be stored but cannot be withdrawn [Fixed]-Tickets and some other items cannot be purchased [Fixed]-Some prices displayed in the store are different The price at the time of purchase is different [fixed]

[Bug fix]

-[Fixed]-Fixed the issue that the account database could not update the person’s login date and IP [Official error] [Fixed]-Fixed the issue that the account database could not update the person’s log-out date [Official] Error] [Fixed]

contact details

You can contact online customer service if you encounter problems during the installation of the game .

online time :09:00-22:00

Customer Service QQ :2538745566

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